Friday, February 29, 2008

the unexpected visitor

This week on thuesday we(me ,Anand,Harish,Renjith,suraj and jithin) are chating in the ground floor room at study time.In that time they speek's in Hindi because Suraj is from Gujrath and others from Mumbai.When they are speaking there sound increses in that time the Principal come to that room without macking any noice.I am the only person who saw him because in that time Jithin is playing in hius mobile phone and Renjith is shouting to Harish in front of him ,Suraj and Anand listing there speak.Harish facing the door but Renjith in front of him so he can't saw the Principal.I try to show the the Pricipal to them but they don't saw him.After a few seconds Harish and Anand saw him.Then others also saw him.Everybody shoked a lot.I think it will ends in a suspension.In the time the Principle speeks in Hindi.We nmever know he know's Hindi.He told that"Where are you from?" Harish said " Mumbai".Then he told"how many members in this room? ".Harish replod"four".Me,Anand and jjibin is from the 2nd floor.So he shouted and told us to go to our rooms.So we went our rooms.A big incident ends.

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