Tuesday, September 29, 2009

need a change

Our Indian films have enchanting and evergreen songs which are glorified by several literates.But we should understand a fact that most of the times the songs adversely affect the story of the film.In the film, story will take place in India and the song in foreign countries.Mostly the new generation songs don't have any meaning it contain some words rhyme with accordance to tone.A huge budget is providing for these songs.If that budget invested in the story side the film can make more realistic and embracing.Everybody like to forward the songs but they don't forward the dialogs.So the words are more effective than the songs.It is nice to have tittle songs instead of songs in the middle of a story.The music directors can make album songs and tittle songs instead of film songs. By avoiding the songs we can make the story more sound and the film can have a clear theme.

1 comment:

Ammu Joseph said...

Sorry I dont agree with you friend song is a part of every art in India.