Are we students satisfied with our teachers?I know the answer must be a 'no'.The teachers of this century don't know that their profession is sacred one.They are working only for salaries.This situation is crucial in colleges.Because of that teachers won't get respect there as compared with the school.Why the teaches punishing students if he don't do a homework or perform well in the exam? If the teacher done so the student thought that his study is to escape from punishments.
So the attitude of our teaches must change.From my views a teacher should
be bright and early. Never, ever, be late.-Listen and take in everything. Ask lots of questions to students.Don't Always be reflective. A good good teacher don't make fun of students .Don't read the answer paper in the class room for fun because this will affect the mentality of the students.He may lose his confidence.There are no one shot deals in teaching. There's always something to remember for next time.Dress professionally.
Speak professionally.Every single time you talk to a class or a student you are modelling an ideal. Slang words that aren't foul but are not particularly desirable should stay at home. Don't ever miss a deadline. If a teacher teaching a lesson in math Monday morning, make sure it happens.-Look for subtle signs of feedback, too. If the teacher shoots you a look in the middle of a lesson (rather than interrupting and derailing what a teacher doing) try to adjust for it right away, and discuss it later.Don't take it personally if something goes wrong, or the teacher has a bad day. Smile, and chalk it up to experience. Do a little more than course outline expects.
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
1 comment:
if teacher punish anybodyit is only for stuidents will improve our students future.if student achieve the goal full crediyt goes to teachedr is the next god after parents .
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